MA Early College Community of Practice

in partnership with

2021 MAECP Spring Summit:
Building a Community of Practice
Wednesday, April 14

Conference Information:

  • Click on the button below to register for the spring summit. Once registered, you can attend any of the scheduled sessions, most of which are designed as working sessions.
  • To enter a session, click the appropriate button below the session description and enter the common password: MAECP
  • If asked, be sure to enter your first and last name. For attendance and follow-up purposes, it’s also important to be logged into Zoom using your school email address rather than personal email addresses.
  • We will record portions of each session and post the video links after the conference. As most sessions are working sessions, they will not be recorded in their entirety.

8:30 a.m.

Opening Session

Welcome - Dr. Kristin Hunt

Keynote Speaker - Dr. Luis G. Pedraja, President of Quinsigamond Community College

QCC Pres3

9:50 a.m.

Using Data to Inform Your Program


State Reporting

Host: Dr. William Hayes

Dr. William Hayes will introduce the topic of the importance of using data to inform programmatic decisions.  Statewide data on Early College programs will be provided as a context for the discussion.  Problems of practice will be introduced and participants will meet in small groups to discuss possible approaches.  Participants will leave with a guiding tool they can use to consider their partnership’s own use of data for informed decision-making.

11:20 a.m.


Envisioning Possibilities: Supporting Black and Latinx Students to Pursue Higher Education

Host: Yaw Asante-Bio

Yaw Asante-Bio will introduce a conversation about how we can identify and build specific strategies to support Black and Latinx students in their pursuit of postsecondary higher education.  He will be joined by several practitioners and advocates who will help frame the conversation.  Participants will meet in small groups to discuss ways in which they can be intentional in implementing anti-racist practices to build up students of color.  Participants will leave with a program assessment tool designed to encourage partnerships to guide important conversations on how they are developing comprehensive and intentional support for their students.

11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.

Lunch and Listen - Student Video Project

Student Voices Highlight Video
Click HERE to open in new window

1:50 p.m.

Connections to Career

Connecting Coursework to "Real Life"

Host: Rebekah Barr

Rebekah Barr will host this session that will create space for conversation on how Early College programs have actualized connecting career opportunities to Early College pathways.  She will be joined by Kerry Akashian to share possible roles they can play in supporting the connections.  Participants will meet in small groups to share out what their programs are doing and learn from their peers.  In their small groups they will consider the components needed to build successful career awareness, exploration and immersion activities that allow Early College students to envision career possibilities and connect postsecondary education to those possibilities.  Participants will leave with a tool designed to probe their partnership on how they are connecting their Early College students to careers.

2:50 p.m.

Key Designation Criteria


Hosts: Dr. Kristin Hunt

(This session is open and recommended for both current programs and new applicants.)

This session is intended to explore certain aspect of the Designation criteria and how they look in action.  Dr. Kristin Hunt will lead a conversation on key aspects of the Designation criteria and the different ways in which programs may be implementing them.  Sample materials from current partnerships will be shared.  Lisa Harney from DESE will join to lead a conversation on the role of MYCAP can play for students. 

3:50 p.m.

Early College Designation Process

Key Considerations, Logistics, and the Process to Apply for Designation

Host: Rebekah Barr

(This session is designed for those seeking AY2022 designation for program implementation and enrollment fall of 2022.)

Rebekah Barr will lead a conversation for participants whose programs are planning to apply for the upcoming AY22 Designation cycle.  She will review the expectations of the Designation and provide practical tips on how to approach the two-part application.  Participants will have time to ask questions and current Designees will be on hand to provide insight on their own process to Designation.

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