MA Early College Community of Practice

Joint Working Groups Kick-off Meeting


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Event Type

Join us at 1:00 p.m. for the Working Group Kick-off Meeting!

This joint kick-off is designed for all three working groups:

  1. Multilingual Learners in EC
  2. Students with Disabilities in EC
  3. College Advising/Counseling in EC

During the kick-off meeting, you hear:

  • An overview of each group (including a recap of previous discussions and general plan for the upcoming year)
  • Learn planned dates/times for monthly meetings
  • Hear about practitioner leadership roles, including expectations, stipends, and application process

There’s no need to register! Just click HERE to join.  (Meeting ID: 817 1572 7799 – Password: 257874)

